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'It Could Happen,' Trump Says of Democratic House Takeover: 4 Days to Go

'It Could Happen,' Trump Says of Democratic House Takeover: 4 Days to Go 'It Could Happen,' Trump Says of Democratic House T...

'It Could Happen,' Trump Says of Democratic House Takeover: 4 Days to Go

  1. 'It Could Happen,' Trump Says of Democratic House Takeover: 4 Days to Go New York Times
  2. Trump: If Democrats take the House, 'I'll just figure it out'
  3. Pence says Republicans will keep control of the House The Hill
  4. AP FACT CHECK: Trump-tweeted ad unfairly blames Democrats Associated Press (press release) (blog)
  5. Trump concedes GOP could lose control of House Washington Post
  6. Full coverage
Source: Google News | Netizen 24 United States

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