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Indiana doctor: Patients should be careful when buying CBD oil

Indiana doctor: Patients should be careful when buying CBD oil Copyright by WISH - All rights reserved ...

Indiana doctor: Patients should be careful when buying CBD oil

Indiana doctor: Patients should be careful when buying CBD oilCopyright by WISH - All rights reserved
Gov. Eric Holcomb on March 21, 2018, signed a bill into law that clarified the legality of CBD oil containing up to .3 percent THC. (WISH Photo)

KOKOMO, Ind. (AP) â€" An Indiana doctor is warning p atients to be careful when purchasing cannabidiol following the recent state law that authorized the widespread sale of the cannabis-derived oil.

Dr. Gary Gettelfinger, who practices out of IU Health Pain Center in Bloomington, has provided the supplement to more than 500 patients since it first became legal in Indiana to treat children with epilepsy, the Kokomo Tribune reported . CBD is believed to have therapeutic benefits and help with anxiety, insomnia, depression and epileptic seizures.

Some versions of cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, can be toxic and cause a user to fail a drug test, Gettelfinger said.

"There are a hundred companies out there selling this stuff, and there are a lot of scammers among those companies," he said.

Gettelfinger recommends users buy products that are organic and certified by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He said to check the product's absorption to ensure that it isn't too oily.

Gettel finger said buyers also should check the levels of THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants. Indiana law prohibits CBD oil sold in the state containing more than 0.3 percent of THC.

A report issued by the World Health Organization earlier this year found that there aren't any adverse health outcomes to CBD. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration hasn't approved using CBD for treating any condition.

Gettelfinger said he's seen the products bring health benefits to his patients.

"You just have to try it to see if it's going to work for you," Gettelfinger said. "If you can afford it, and you get a good product ... it's worth giving it a try."

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    Indiana doctor: Patients should be careful when buying CBD oil

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