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Trending: It's been 16 years, Justin.

Trending: It's been 16 years, Justin. Express News Editor November 1 at 7:59 PM Justin Timberlake might want to try not talking...

Trending: It's been 16 years, Justin.

Express News Editor November 1 at 7:59 PM

Justin Timberlake might want to try not talking about his Britney Spears break-up. It might actually help.

@dandelionmariah, reacting to reports about Justin Timberlake’s new book, “Hindsight: & All the Things I Can’t See in Front of Me.” The singer discusses his 2002 breakup with Britney Spears, revealing that he wrote “Cry Me a River” â€" long rumored to be about Spears â€" in two hours. Spears fans weren’t happy that Timberlake mentioned her, given that they broke up 16 years ago.

The only proper way to send off Halloween 2018 was obviously to have The Satanic Temple threaten legal action against Netflix and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.

@CKGDrew, joking about the news that The Satanic Temple is accusing Netflix of copyright infringement related to TST’s statue of Baphomet, the goat deity with roots in paganism and the Knights Templar. A similar statue appears in Netflix’s show “The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.” Lucien Greaves, founder of TST, said legal action would be taken, even though depictions of Baphomet predate The Satanic Temple.

Trump says he tries not to lie. Which, if he̢۪s lying, like he probably is, is a lot like me saying I didn̢۪t have pasta today, when I did.


@ScottMonty, tweeting after President Trump said, “When I can, I tell the truth” during an interview with ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl. When Karl reminded the president that he had said during the 2016 campaign that he would “never lie to” the American people, and asked him if he believed he’d “always” been truthful, Trump responded with, “Well, I try.” Twitter users and critics of the president weren’t convinced by his answer.

And finally, a former White House intern recalls the heartbreaking letters mailed to President Obama to encourage people to #Vote on Tuesday.

@ASharon004, tweeting about some of the letters she saw come through President Obama̢۪s mailroom when she interned there. She recounted the most touching stories people sent in an effort to encourage voting on Tuesday.

Source: Google News US Entertainment | Netizen 24 United States

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