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Obama, Trump Clash In Final Pitches To Midterm Voters

Obama, Trump Clash In Final Pitches To Midterm Voters Obama, Trump Clash In Final Pitches To Midterm Voters HuffPost Trump, Obama Tout Cla...

Obama, Trump Clash In Final Pitches To Midterm Voters

  1. Obama, Trump Clash In Final Pitches To Midterm Voters HuffPost
  2. Trump, Obama Tout Clashing Visions of US as Elections Near U.S. News & World Report
  3. The Forecast: Democrats are still favored to win the House. But it's far f rom a sure thing. CNN
  4. How small donations gave underdog Democrats a fighting chance for the House Washington Post
  5. Election Ads Turn Nasty, but Candidates Still 'Approve This Message' New York Times
  6. Full coverage
Source: Google News | Netizen 24 United States

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