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NBC News: Jared Polis wins in Colorado, becomes America's first gay man elected governor

NBC News: Jared Polis wins in Colorado, becomes America's first gay man elected governor Despite President Donald Trump's promise t...

NBC News: Jared Polis wins in Colorado, becomes America's first gay man elected governor

Despite President Donald Trump's promise that tax cuts passed last year would positively affect the personal finances of Americans, only 29 percent of voters say the changes have helped them, according to the NBC News Exit Poll. Nationwide, 45 percent of voters report that the tax changes have not impacted their personal finances, while 22 percent say their finances have been hurt by the changes.

The exit poll also shows that voters in higher-income households are twice as likely as voters in lower-income households to report that tax law changes have helped their personal finances. Seventeen percent of voters with annual household incomes under $30,000 said their personal finances had benefited, compared to 34 percent of those with annual household incomes of $100,000 and higher.

Source: Google News | Netizen 24 United States

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