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LISTEN: Michigan Reporter Caught on Tape Trash Talking GOP Senate Candidate John James...And It's Intense

LISTEN: Michigan Reporter Caught on Tape Trash Talking GOP Senate Candidate John James...And It's Intense A reporter for the Huron Daily...

LISTEN: Michigan Reporter Caught on Tape Trash Talking GOP Senate Candidate John James...And It's Intense

A reporter for the Huron Daily Tribune wanted to get in contact with Michigan Senate candidate John James. Brenda Battel, the reporter contacting James, left a voicemail for the candidate. There was just one problem: she didn't hang up the phone all the way before she went on a tirade about how horrible she thought he is, the Daily Callerreported.

“Hi, my name is Brenda Battel, I’m a reporter with the Huron Daily Tribune in Bad Axe, Michigan. I’m looking to set up an appointment with Mr. James for some time on Wednesday for a phone interview regarding the election results,” Battel said in the voicemail. “I’m probably going to send an email over to the with some det ails. Um, if you’d like to call me back, my number is … extension … Thank you.”

Battel attempted to hang up the phone but didn't actually hang up.

“Man, if he beats her… Jesus! F***ing John James. That would suck! Whew I don’t think it’s going to happen though,” Battel said.

According to James' campaign, reporters in Michigan are frustrated that the race between James and incumbent Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow is tightening.

"It shows you that some media will do anything to keep the status quo and career politicians in power,” campaign manager Tori Sachs told the Daily Caller. “The liberal media can’t stand the idea of a job creator and combat veteran coming to Washington to shake up the system. This happened as we closed in within the margin of error.”

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James is currently within two points of Stabenow, a recent poll by Change Research said. He has big-name endorsements, including President Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., John Bolton and Sen. Marco Rubio.

Source: Google News | Netizen 24 United States

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