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John Oliver Jokes He Landed Megyn Kelly's 'Today' Gig Simply Because He Knows Blackface Is Wrong (Video)

John Oliver Jokes He Landed Megyn Kelly's 'Today' Gig Simply Because He Knows Blackface Is Wrong (Video) ...

John Oliver Jokes He Landed Megyn Kelly's 'Today' Gig Simply Because He Knows Blackface Is Wrong (Video)



John Oliver Jokes He Landed Megyn Kelly’s ‘Today’ Gig Simply Because He Knows Blackface Is Wrong (Video) Back to Gallery

John Oliver, like most people, inherently knows that blackface is wrong. That’s apparently all that was needed for him to (faux) land Megyn Kelly’s “Today” show gig.

Mocking a back-and-forth between a Republican congressional candidate’s chief of staff and an associate professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Oliver said he personally knows that “blackface is not acceptable.” Cue the NBC chimes, rainbow confetti and the broadcast network’s peacock mascot.

Read the full article on The Wrap

Source: Google News US Entertainment | Netizen 24 United States

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