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'I Hate Him, but I Hate Democrats More': Scenes From the US Before the Election

'I Hate Him, but I Hate Democrats More': Scenes From the US Before the Election 'I Hate Him, but I Hate Democrats More': Sce...

'I Hate Him, but I Hate Democrats More': Scenes From the US Before the Election

  1. 'I Hate Him, but I Hate Democrats More': Scenes From the US Before the Election New York Times
  2. Trump paints dark vision in final day of campaigning
  3. Trump's closing argument frames midterms as a ref erendum on his White House The Hill
  4. A day before the election, some results are clear: The next Congress will be younger, more female and more diverse Washington Post
  5. Full coverage
Source: Google News | Netizen 24 United States

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