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Georgia Governor's Race Is Hurtling Toward Election Day, and Passions Are Rising

Georgia Governor's Race Is Hurtling Toward Election Day, and Passions Are Rising Georgia Governor's Race Is Hurtling Toward Election...

Georgia Governor's Race Is Hurtling Toward Election Day, and Passions Are Rising

  1. Georgia Governor's Race Is Hurtling Toward Election Day, and Passions Are Rising New York Times
  2. Republicans' core message to Georgia voters: Be afraid of Stacey Abrams Yahoo News
  3. Oprah fires back at racist robocall: 'Jesus don't like ugly' The Hill
  4. Kemp's office launches probe of Georgia Democratic Party ahead of historic election CNN
  5. All the ugliness of the Trump campaign is on display in Georgia Washington Post
  6. Full coverage
Source: Google News | Netizen 24 United States

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