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Donald Trump Says He Can't Call Ivanka Trump Beautiful But She's 'Smart' in Ohio Rally Introduction

Donald Trump Says He Can't Call Ivanka Trump Beautiful But She's 'Smart' in Ohio Rally Introduction President Donald Trump i...

Donald Trump Says He Can't Call Ivanka Trump Beautiful But She's 'Smart' in Ohio Rally Introduction

President Donald Trump introduced his daughter Ivanka Trump at an Ohio rally by calling her “really smart” because calling women “beautiful,” he said, is no longer allowed.

“Now I don’t know if they’ll say this is nepotism,” the president said, strangely bringing up something he has been accused of doing.

“But the truth is she’s a very, veryâ€"you're not allowed to use the word beautiful anymore when you talk about women, you’re not allowed, no, no, it's politically incorrect," he continued. "I will never call a woman beautiful again, and every man here, every man here, raise your hand, you will never say your wife, your girlfriend, anybody is beautiful, right?”

The crowd booed.

“I’m not allowed to say, because it’s my daughter Ivanka, but she’s really smart,” the preside nt said. “And she’s here, shall I bring her up?”

The crowd roared with applause as the first daughter and senior White House adviser made her way to the podium. She addressed her father̢۪s unusual words.

“Wow. Hi Ohio,” she said and laughed. “That was some introduction.”

Ivanka Trump proceeded to say exactly what her father wanted her to.

“It is always, always, always an honor to be here and I am so proud of what we're all here fighting for. This president, my father, promised that he would fight to give you all a voice,” she said. “He promised that he would fight for the forgotten men and women of America and he is fighting hard. I see it every single day and the fight is paying off.”

The first daughter added that wages are rising and unemployment is at a historic low in nearly every category.

“People are coming off the sidelines and back into the economy and realizing the opportunity of the American dream,” she sa id.

11_05_18_IvankaBeautiful President Donald Trump looks on as his daughter Ivanka Trump speaks at a "Make America great again" rally in Cleveland on November 5. He introduced her as "really smart" because he said people are not allowed to call women "beautiful" anymore.

Donald Trump has made numerous comments complimenting his daughter̢۪s looks and brains. After she gave a workforce initiative presentation to Cabinet members in July, he complained that she does not get acknowledged by the media.

“Wow. So if that were Ivanka Smith, the press would say, ‘That was totally brilliant, we’ve never seen anything like that,’” the president said.

Donald Trump has been scrutinized for having an unusually close relationship to his daughter particularly when she was younger. There are photos o f her sitting on his lap and kissing him on the cheek. He said on The View in 2006 that she has “a very nice figure,” and, “I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her."

The president’s comment Monday that people are not allowed to call women “beautiful” anymore appears to be a reaction to the #MeToo movement and a wave of sexual misconduct claims against prominent men. A month prior to Election Night in 2016, The Washington Post released a transcript from videotapes that date back to 2005, when Trump told former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush it was ok to "grab women by the p**sy."

Source: Google News | Netizen 24 United States

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