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Brad Pitt Waiting To Finally Divorce Angelina Jolie Before Dating Again: His Kids Are The Priority

Brad Pitt Waiting To Finally Divorce Angelina Jolie Before Dating Again: His Kids Are The Priority Brad Pitt is taking a hiatus from dating ...

Brad Pitt Waiting To Finally Divorce Angelina Jolie Before Dating Again: His Kids Are The Priority

Brad Pitt is taking a hiatus from dating while he’s in his ongoing divorce battle with Angelina Jolie! A source close to Brad told HL EXCLUSIVELY how he’s not ready for anything ‘serious.’

Brad Pitt is not looking for any new love right now, especially since he’s in the middle of a custody battle with Angelina Jolie. A source close to Brad told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY that he’s not feeling any pressure to get back on the dating scene with these divorce proceedings looming over his head. “Brad really is in no rush to date, and he’s certainly not looking to jump into a serious relationship again right now,” our source told us. “All he wants to do is get the custody issues agreed and the divorce finally put to bed. That’s basically been the primary focus of the past eighteen months of Brad’s life, along with getting everything back on track with his kids again.”

In the end, Brad feels that his priority is his getting his custody over his kids sorted out. “Once that’s all done, Brad can start thinking about other issues, but he kind of figures everything else will work itself out once he has all the most important things sorted and in place,” our source went on to say. “It’s all about priorities.”

We reported earlier how Angelina is in no rush to end their divorce battle. “Angelina has no interest in speeding this divorce process, she wants the very best outcome for her and the kids and that takes time,” a source close to Angelina told HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY. “It really doesn’t matter one bit to her if Brad is in a hurry for all of this to be over, that’s not her problem or concern. She has hired a very thorough and tough legal team and she intends on getting the best outcome no matter how long that takes.” We’ll keep you posted with all of the latest news surrounding Brad and Angelina’s ongoing divorce battle. In the meantime, check out all of Brad’s best looks since their divorce in our gallery above.

Source: Google News US Entertainment | Netizen 24 United States

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