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Axl Rose Blames 'Loopholes' for Guns N' Roses Songs at Trump Rallies

Axl Rose Blames 'Loopholes' for Guns N' Roses Songs at Trump Rallies Axl Rose , a frequent critic of the Trump administration, ...

Axl Rose Blames 'Loopholes' for Guns N' Roses Songs at Trump Rallies

Axl Rose, a frequent critic of the Trump administration, turned to Twitter Saturday to explain why Guns N’ Roses‘ music has played at the president’s recent rallies.

“Just so ya know… GNR like a lot of artists opposed to the unauthorized use of their music at political events has formally requested r music not b used at Trump rallies or Trump associated events,” Rose tweeted.

“Unfortunately the Trump campaign is using loopholes in the various venues’ blanket performance licenses which were not intended for such craven political purposes, without the songwriters’ consent.”

Rose quipped, “Can u say ‘shitbags?!'”

In the past few months alone, artists ranging from Pharrell Williams and Steven Tyler to the Prince estate have threatened legal action for Trump̢۪s continued unauthorized use of their music while campaigning for state candidates prior to the midterm elections.

“Personally I kinda liked the irony of Trump supporters listening to a bunch of anti Trump music at his rallies but I don’t imagine a lot of ‘em really get that or care,” Rose added.

“And when ur phone’s blowin’ up cuz peeps r seein’/hearin’ Sweet Child on the news at a rally… as a band we felt we should clarify r position. Peace!”

In case there was any lingering confusion about which political party Rose aligns with, the singer reminded fans earlier this week:

Source: Google News US Entertainment | Netizen 24 United States

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